Something of Three is an immersive video and sculpture installation exhibited at the Freight Gallery in 2022. The work explores the relationship between myth, reality and the journey that connects the two. The viewer is invited into a small space, a functioning freight elevator temporarily transformed into a gallery, and immersed in a journey reminiscent of the winding path of a children’s board game.

In a projected video, reflection on animal migration inspire the artist to traverse an imaginary course in a desert landscape. Without apparent destination, the artist makes her way around reflecting puddles and large piles of stones. Along this path are moments woven together to create a palette of familiar and sometimes fictional scenes. These symbolisms build to create a push/pull of enticement and repulsion while the continuation of time spins and weaves its patterns.

The video is scored by Michael Benish, musician and member of DC punk band Glue Factory.


Myself is the Same as Yourself