The Initiation is a sculptural/choral/performance piece that premiered on November 18, 2017 at the Georgetown Waterfront Park Labyrinth in Washington, DC. Four singers performed a 12 minute work that combines voice and glockenspiel keys to delve into a mythical narrative inspired by the underworld. This is the first of a four part production. The music was integrated into a life sized hut-like structure comprised of hand-built wooden ladders. The story and sculpture are by Dawn Whitmore, with the music by Stephen Gorbos. Performed by Deborah SternbergRachel Evangeline BarhamAllison Clendaniel, and Shauna Kreidler Michels.To hear a demo click on the video below. For more information and a map of where to see the performance, click here


Myself is the Same as Yourself


A house is like a mind that holds everything